Welcome to SeisCode
SeisCode is a community repository for software used in seismological and related fields. SeisCode offers a home for projects that can range from simple web pages with file downloads to full blown source code management with issue tracking. SeisCode allows others to discover your software and for authors to build a community around software packages. For more information visit the SeisCode page.
To search for projects/programs by browsing the projects list or by using the search box at the upper right corner.
To get started making your own projects please visit the SeisCode Wiki for guidance.
Projects by Language
C / C++ - Overview Page
- AmaSeis source code
- sacdump
- Station Analysis Tools
- EarthGrid
- NonLinLoc
- mseed2sac
- seisan2mseed
- Earthworm
- sac2midi
- msmod
- ewexport2ringserver
- sac2wav
- dataselect
- Trace DSP
- fcu.tar
- Seismic Handler
- RFeditor
- mars2mseed
- iLoc
- Seismic Eruption
- mseed2ascii
- orb2ringserver
- SeismicCanvas
- Seismic Analysis Code (SAC)
- ringserver
- css2sac
- evt2sac
- PRESTo Early Warning System
- Seismic Waves
- ascii2mseed
- sac2mseed
- miniSEED Inspector (msi)
- libmseed
- ggp2mseed
- ew2ringserver
- evalresp
- gse2mseed
- Filter Picker
Java - Overview Page
- IRIS ini4j
- Jlibdali
- SeismicityViewer
- OregonDSP
- JEvalResp
- Jreadseed
- SeedCodec
- jAmaSeis
- Java Web Service Library (IRIS-WS)
- RXTXcomm
- MacJavaUtils
- SeisFile
- TauP
- SeisGram2K
- MA-CME, the ModelAssembler Community Seismic Modeling Environment
- ANISOtime
- DesktopJavaUtils
- JAVA version of PITSA (JPITSA)
- Web Service Shell
- JRG, the RG Seismic Processing System for Java
- JPlotResp
- FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter
- NanoseismicSuite
Latest news
JRG, the RG Seismic Processing System for Java:
JRG-Viewmat Now at Zenodo
The open-source JRG-VIewmat RG Seismic Processing System for Java is now archived and maintained at Zenodo: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4001379
Web Service Shell:
Web Service Shell 2.4 Release
Web Service Shell 2.4 is released with bug fixes and a few new features. Documentation can be found on the Wiki page and the war file can be downloaded from the Files page.
Transitioned to GitHub
libmseed 2.18 released
Web Service Shell:
Web Service Shell 2 Released
Web Service Shell version 2 is a major update that allows the addition of multiple endpoints, more flexibility in service names and the ability to proxy more than one file.