Bug #383
JWEED summary files no longer compatible with rdseed
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#1 Updated by Robert Casey almost 11 years ago
A couple of users have reported this problem recently, and it looks like the cause is the formatting of the summary file output from the newer JWEED. Vadim Levin came up with a simple workaround until we can figure out whether to resolve this issue in JWEED or rdseed. Not sure why the JWEED output changed, if there was a reason for it or if it was accidental.
On Nov 5, 2013, at 6:56 PM, Vadim Levin wrote: Dear Seismological "engine" staff I have recently discovered that new Jweed produces summary files that do not work with any version of rdseed software, the format has changed. I wonder if this issue has been noted. Maybe I am the last person using the rdseed functionality that depends on the summary file to cut the waveforms… In case someone may want to fix this in future generations of Jweed, here is a set of incompatibilities, and a way to fix them. In case I am missing some obvious less painful solution - please let me know! thanks Vadim the old hand... 1. process Jweed 4.X summary file with this awk statement: awk '$1 == "EVENT:" {print $1,"XXXX," substr($2,1,4) "/" substr($2,6,2) "/" substr($2,9,2), $3} $1 != "EVENT:" {print}' NEW-SUMMARY.summary > OLD_STYLE.summary 2. open OLD_STYLE.summary in text editor - change 4.0 to 3.1 in the first line -do a global substitution of "MW," for "MW/" -do a global substitution of "00," for "0,"