Bug #463
password issue?
The password for LCID is not working. The system has been ruled out, because an alternative password connects fine. I wonder if there is a problem in the streams.cfg file that I can't see?
I have attached two log files. After I received the first, I wondered if this was due to Windows 8 and asked him to reinstall in an alternative location. The second log file following the reinstall is attached as well.
#1 Updated by Kevin Frechette over 10 years ago
Where are the attachments?
#2 Updated by Tammy Bravo over 10 years ago
- File 2014second.docx 2014second.docx added
- File 2014first.docx 2014first.docx added
#3 Updated by Kevin Frechette over 10 years ago
The "java.io.FileNotFoundException: jamaseis.log (Access is denied)" indicates the system was not able to write to the log file which would seem to indicate the system is indeed Windows 8.1.
If there was a bad password there would be a log stating it, such as "The password you entered did not match the password for this station.". I did not see any message such as that. The message I do see "Could not connect to the server." indicates that the client could not connect to the server.
If another password does indeed work then it may be an issue with special characters in the original password or something such as that. I would need more details to look into this further.
#4 Updated by Tammy Bravo over 10 years ago
- File Log Name2.docx Log Name2.docx added
- File 2014X.docx 2014X.docx added
After upgrading to 1.00.1, the user is still having trouble. He states:
log Name2,docx is from the same computer windows vista.........same computer as before. now loaded with 1.00.1
log 2014X.docx is from a different computer windows 7............just loaded with the new 1.00.1
I tried both passwords (lcid)...........and (ccid).........on both computers, neither would connect to server, logs attached.
Earlier, as I mentioned, one time, I was able to connect to server using (ccid) but not (lcid) on the same system
#5 Updated by Kevin Frechette over 10 years ago
I still see problems in the log files but they do not appear to be related to the password issue.
The Station LCID is in the streams.cfg twice, the first time with password lcid2bbot and the second time with password lcid4tcid. It appears the server uses the last entry. If they use the password lcid4tcid they should be fine.