Bug #765
Add more flexibility to application naming convention
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When the Web Service Shell war file is deployed, the name of the file is used to define part of the required cfg file names and it also determines part of the path of the resulting URL. The old convention had some quirks in the code that made unexpected names in some cases. The convention still needs to support the FDSN naming standard where the war file named fdsnws#event#1.war still delivers a url with fdsnws/event/1 in the URL path.
#1 Updated by Mike Stults over 8 years ago
- Resolution set to Fixed
- Target version set to 2.0
The new convention is part of release 2.0. The basic rule is that # characters will be converted to slashes for the URL path part and to dot for configuration files -service.cfg, -parm.cfg, and -log4j.properties files.