Feature #813
Add RabbitMQ logging option
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Add a loggingMethod that selects RabbitMQ. The RabbitMQ option should operate like JMS option if possible.
#1 Updated by Mike Stults over 8 years ago
- Target version set to 2.1
- Introduce distinct messages for message types "usage" and "wfstat"
- add support for RabbitMQ messaging
#2 Updated by Mike Stults over 8 years ago
- Resolution set to Fixed
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Added global configuration option loggingConfig, which may have a file name or URL as its value. Most messages published to RabbitMQ will use type "usage". In endpoint code CmdProcessor in webserviceshell, miniseed channel information is published as type "wfstat".
WebServiceShell is currently published to nexus as 2.1-SNAPSHOT and to git as tag v2.1-SNAPSHOT.