Feature #841
Add ability to call life cycle destroy method for singleton
In the xx-service.cfg file you can have a line like:
It would be useful to add the ability to call a named "destroy" method on that singleton on service shutdown.
That could be done by adding an optional line:
In the singleton, you would see
public class BarSingelton { public void destructor() { // do cleanup here like stop worker threads etc } }
The WSS would have something like the following code somewhere in it:
Method destroyMethod = singleton.getClass().getMethod(destroyMethodName); destroyMethod.invoke(singleton);
#1 Updated by Mike Stults over 6 years ago
- Resolution set to Fixed
- Assignee set to Mike Stults
git 58b2328..f11a99d master -> master - git commit -m "issue 841 - added default destroy method to IrisSingleton interface, it is called as part of the container lifecycle operation, added explicit unit test and adjusted related unit tests."
#2 Updated by Mike Stults over 6 years ago
2018-05-25 5a3b275 (Mike Stults): (HEAD > master, tag: v2.4.4, origin/master, origin/HEAD) - v2.4.4 for issues 939, 931, 927, 894, 841
uploaded webserviceshell/2.4.4/webserviceshell-2.4.4.jar 8545 KB
#3 Updated by Mike Stults over 6 years ago
- Target version set to 2.4.4