Bug #967
probable duplicate error logging between CmdProcessor and and WSS framework ServiceShellException logging
In the initial command process setup and monitoring by CmdProcessor, if the command process exited before writing data, en error message is written by CmdProcessor, identifiable with the string "getProcessingResults exitStatus". CmdProcessor then return control to the WebServiceShell framework. The framework will log an exception message for any status code that is not OK - 200. Additionally 204 and 404 will be logged as an error by CmdProcessor, but info by ServiceShellException.
#1 Updated by Mike Stults over 6 years ago
- Resolution set to Fixed
- Target version set to 2.4.5
fixed and given its own release version for testing, if needed
2018-05-25 f1fc5a5 (Mike Stults): (HEAD > master, tag: v2.4.5, origin/master, origin/HEAD) - v2.4.5 for issue 967
2018-05-25 b36c44d (Mike Stults): -- issue 967 - removed one logger.error line which is logging brief and detatiled error messages