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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
541 PH5 Feature Resolved High Status update for PH5 Derick Hess 05/12/2015 07:33 AM
556 PH5 Bug Resolved High PH5 data list 05/12/2015 07:32 AM
597 PH5 Support Resolved High PH5 - delete old files 05/12/2015 07:32 AM
945 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Bug New High the description of the input units are not populated correctly if multiple channels have the same input units but different descriptions 02/27/2018 09:32 AM
1025 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Bug New High Filename too long error when running on Centos 7.6 Yazan Suleiman 04/09/2019 10:28 AM
173 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Support New Normal Recommended JVM flags (particularly heap space) 02/20/2013 12:58 PM
183 Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) Support New Normal Transform "make check" into a Tutorial Arthur Snoke 03/11/2013 06:05 AM
215 NRL Feature New Normal Add OYO Geospace GS-11D geophone Mary Templeton 04/16/2013 10:54 AM
217 NRL Feature New Normal Add Geodevice EDAS-24GN datalogger Mary Templeton 04/16/2013 10:51 AM
218 NRL Feature New Normal Add Geodevice sensors: BBVS-60, BBVS-120, FSS-3M and BBAS-2G Mary Templeton 04/16/2013 10:52 AM
220 NRL Feature New Normal Add Geotech sensors: GS-13BH, GS-21 and 20171 Mary Templeton 04/16/2013 08:25 AM
264 EMERALD Bug Resolved Normal Minimum Trace Length problem John West 06/19/2013 11:48 AM
306 jAmaSeis Bug Feedback Normal DMC synthetics Tammy Bravo 10/16/2013 02:04 PM
317 Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) Bug New Normal Uneven interpolation return bad results Brian Savage 08/03/2013 07:16 AM
383 JWEED Bug New Normal JWEED summary files no longer compatible with rdseed 11/08/2013 09:03 AM
401 SeisCode Support New Normal Firewall request form update Rick Benson 12/03/2013 01:46 PM
423 jAmaSeis Feature Feedback Normal Supporting additional devices? Tammy Bravo 02/04/2016 06:54 AM
445 jAmaSeis Bug In Progress Normal Help information needed Tammy Bravo 07/08/2014 02:37 PM
492 Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) Bug New Normal Bug of integration using Rectangular method Brian Savage 11/05/2015 01:21 PM
540 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal Email not working Derick Hess 06/30/2014 07:37 AM
551 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal Ph5 request form problems Derick Hess 07/23/2014 11:24 AM
552 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal PH5 experiment list Derick Hess 07/23/2014 11:13 AM
554 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal ph5 data request form 07/23/2014 11:24 AM
560 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal PH5 data delivery Derick Hess 07/23/2014 11:25 AM
561 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal PH5:Event ID Range Derick Hess 07/23/2014 11:25 AM
(1-25/126) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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