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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
264 EMERALD Bug Resolved Normal Minimum Trace Length problem John West 06/19/2013 11:48 AM
541 PH5 Feature Resolved High Status update for PH5 Derick Hess 05/12/2015 07:33 AM
556 PH5 Bug Resolved High PH5 data list 05/12/2015 07:32 AM
597 PH5 Support Resolved High PH5 - delete old files 05/12/2015 07:32 AM
445 jAmaSeis Bug In Progress Normal Help information needed Tammy Bravo 07/08/2014 02:37 PM
939 Web Service Shell Bug New Low Post-style web service requests: Commented lines that happen to contain a known parameter cause failures Mike Stults 05/29/2018 02:42 PM
432 Web Service Shell Bug New Low hostname in dataselect and station usage is an IP, not an hostname Mike Stults 05/29/2018 09:58 AM
563 PH5 Bug New Low PH5 - form style Derick Hess 08/14/2014 09:27 AM
1260 sac2midi Bug New Normal Not Fully Implemented 05/12/2022 06:55 AM
1249 JEvalResp Bug New Normal evalresp and JEvalResp disagreement 04/01/2022 12:10 PM
1064 NRL Bug New Normal StationXML output: 2 <Comment> nodes to fill in 09/29/2020 11:40 AM
1063 NRL Bug New Normal Make enddate param optional and no default Mick Van Fossen 09/28/2020 09:48 PM
1053 JPlotResp Bug New Normal JPlotResp has problems with empty end dates in StationXML Autumn Johnson 01/17/2020 01:14 PM
1052 JPlotResp Bug New Normal amplitude and phase do not match expected shape when plotting a FIR filter that produces a 4000 Hz sample rate Autumn Johnson 01/17/2020 01:10 PM
1044 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal NPE at the wssstatus endpoint Mick Van Fossen 09/05/2019 02:15 PM
1024 RXTXcomm Bug New Normal java.lang.NullPointerException thrown while loading Kevin Frechette 03/11/2019 06:51 AM
1015 Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) Bug New Normal rtrend variables have extra space at the end 01/03/2019 10:05 AM
990 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal service.cfg file parses incorrectly if a space occurs after a continuation backslash Mike Stults 08/20/2018 08:52 AM
991 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal stall and apparent deadlock between write in stopProcess and writeNormal threads Mike Stults 07/09/2018 02:47 PM
632 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal status mechanism for handlers Mike Stults 06/29/2018 11:26 AM
974 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal add new configuration file type to assist in application initialization Mike Stults 06/01/2018 03:32 PM
927 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal The shell's start/end date formatting ought to be more lenient Mike Stults 05/29/2018 02:42 PM
738 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Need to be able to set the extension to Content-Disposition file names indepenent from format value Mike Stults 05/29/2018 09:55 AM
860 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Add filtering to CmdProcessor wfstat logging for miniseed output Mike Stults 05/29/2018 09:41 AM
895 Web Service Shell Support New Normal Remove capability to write usage logs using JMS Mike Stults 05/29/2018 09:39 AM
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