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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
560 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal PH5 data delivery Derick Hess 07/23/2014 11:25 AM
1314 jAmaSeis Bug Resolved Normal OutOfMemoryError with DMC Sources Kevin Frechette 09/05/2024 04:07 AM
789 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Bug Feedback Normal options, arguments 06/09/2016 09:24 AM
565 SeisGram2K Feature New Normal Open SeedLink dialog 07/23/2014 01:48 AM
1044 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal NPE at the wssstatus endpoint Mick Van Fossen 09/05/2019 02:15 PM
693 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal Notification of PH5 upload Derick Hess 05/12/2015 07:31 AM
1260 sac2midi Bug New Normal Not Fully Implemented 05/12/2022 06:55 AM
931 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal NO_CONTENT gets logged at ERROR level in log4j logs Mike Stults 05/25/2018 09:51 AM
738 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Need to be able to set the extension to Content-Disposition file names indepenent from format value Mike Stults 05/29/2018 09:55 AM
264 EMERALD Bug Resolved Normal Minimum Trace Length problem John West 06/19/2013 11:48 AM
790 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Feature New Normal Mapping of network description 03/08/2016 09:40 AM
1063 NRL Bug New Normal Make enddate param optional and no default Mick Van Fossen 09/28/2020 09:48 PM
839 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal logAndThrowException with null for briefMsg causes unexpected exception Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:17 AM
1310 jAmaSeis Bug Resolved Normal Local source edit allows updating the startup string but does not retest the sample rate Kevin Frechette 07/09/2024 04:43 AM
383 JWEED Bug New Normal JWEED summary files no longer compatible with rdseed 11/08/2013 09:03 AM
1053 JPlotResp Bug New Normal JPlotResp has problems with empty end dates in StationXML Autumn Johnson 01/17/2020 01:14 PM
1024 RXTXcomm Bug New Normal java.lang.NullPointerException thrown while loading Kevin Frechette 03/11/2019 06:51 AM
864 SeisCode Support New Normal JAMASEIS 02/01/2017 11:36 AM
850 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal inStream resource not closed for service and param config files Mike Stults 11/17/2016 04:48 PM
776 ringserver Support New Normal Improved handling of case where transfer log directory does not exist Chad Trabant 02/05/2016 04:07 PM
697 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Support New Normal If calibration unit not given in StationXML, please add an "unknown calibration unit" to abbreviation dictionary and refer to that in blockette 52 Yazan Suleiman 06/04/2015 04:01 PM
705 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Support New Normal How to UTF-8 characters in FDSN StationXML Yazan Suleiman 07/20/2015 12:00 PM
445 jAmaSeis Bug In Progress Normal Help information needed Tammy Bravo 07/08/2014 02:37 PM
768 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Generalize delivery (i.e. proxying) of content like application.wadl Mike Stults 01/15/2016 10:29 AM
1315 jAmaSeis Bug Resolved Normal Fix macOS installer notarization issue Kevin Frechette 09/05/2024 04:07 AM
401 SeisCode Support New Normal Firewall request form update Rick Benson 12/03/2013 01:46 PM
808 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Bug Feedback Normal FDSN StationXML has a restriction about azimuth - excludes 360, SEED does not Yazan Suleiman 06/21/2016 06:32 PM
883 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Exception handling does not include http header as defined by corsEnabled property Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:14 AM
919 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Exception handler: Util's logAndThrow method prefixes an "Error 500" to the intended user message Mike Stults 11/28/2017 03:09 PM
726 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Evaluate needs and work required for incorportating the Spring framework Mike Stults 05/25/2018 08:18 AM
681 ewexport2ringserver Feature New Normal Evaluate changes from ISTI for Win32 support, potentially integrate Chad Trabant 04/15/2015 06:28 AM
1249 JEvalResp Bug New Normal evalresp and JEvalResp disagreement 04/01/2022 12:10 PM
1031 Web Service Shell Feature Resolved Normal Environment variable exposing port or logging path Mick Van Fossen 09/04/2019 04:05 PM
857 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Enable client name setting in CmpProcessor environment setup Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:16 AM
540 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal Email not working Derick Hess 06/30/2014 07:37 AM
306 jAmaSeis Bug Feedback Normal DMC synthetics Tammy Bravo 10/16/2013 02:04 PM
704 ringserver Bug New Normal Correctly restart network listening threads when they die Chad Trabant 05/29/2015 08:05 AM
894 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal CmdProcessor NullPointerException when query does not include header ' user-agent Mike Stults 05/25/2018 09:52 AM
884 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Change order of two usage log fields to location, channel Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:13 AM
859 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Change lack of proxyURL on ProxyResource capability to warning Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:15 AM
761 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Change config file key "outputTypes" to "formatTypes" to match current usage Mike Stults 01/15/2016 08:44 AM
715 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Bug New Normal Can converter put in a default "unknown" value for <sensor> if not given one in stationXML Yazan Suleiman 07/20/2015 05:42 PM
492 Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) Bug New Normal Bug of integration using Rectangular method Brian Savage 11/05/2015 01:21 PM
679 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Support Resolved Normal B030 default content Yazan Suleiman 07/20/2015 01:09 PM
734 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal A value for handlerTimeout is not set by default. Mike Stults 01/15/2016 09:12 AM
1052 JPlotResp Bug New Normal amplitude and phase do not match expected shape when plotting a FIR filter that produces a 4000 Hz sample rate Autumn Johnson 01/17/2020 01:10 PM
692 ascii2mseed Feature New Normal Allow converter to determine the sample count automatically from the list Chad Trabant 05/10/2015 11:45 AM
769 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Add "Z" to end of UTC time fields for log file output, add explicitly set UTC time zone for output time fields Mike Stults 01/25/2016 02:36 PM
813 Web Service Shell Feature Resolved Normal Add RabbitMQ logging option Mike Stults 06/07/2016 08:09 AM
215 NRL Feature New Normal Add OYO Geospace GS-11D geophone Mary Templeton 04/16/2013 10:54 AM
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