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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
894 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal CmdProcessor NullPointerException when query does not include header ' user-agent Mike Stults 05/25/2018 09:52 AM
919 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Exception handler: Util's logAndThrow method prefixes an "Error 500" to the intended user message Mike Stults 11/28/2017 03:09 PM
884 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Change order of two usage log fields to location, channel Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:13 AM
990 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal service.cfg file parses incorrectly if a space occurs after a continuation backslash Mike Stults 08/20/2018 08:52 AM
827 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal The WSS error reader misses error messages when handler does fast fail Mike Stults 06/14/2016 09:43 AM
883 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Exception handling does not include http header as defined by corsEnabled property Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:14 AM
961 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal When setting HTTP header "Content-Type" from a handler, the driving request fails with a Jersey exception. Mike Stults 04/02/2018 09:51 AM
845 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal Web service shell erroneously reports an http 500 rather than 404 when a trailing slash is on endpoint name. Mike Stults 11/17/2016 04:47 PM
729 sac2midi Bug New Normal sac2midi -M not implemented Rick DeWitt 08/26/2015 10:39 PM
731 sac2midi Bug New Normal sac2midi percussion channel not implemented Rick DeWitt 08/26/2015 10:41 PM
728 sac2midi Bug New Normal sac2midi -s not implemented Rick DeWitt 08/26/2015 10:37 PM
732 sac2midi Bug New Normal sac2midi does not read big endian SAC files Rick DeWitt 08/26/2015 10:43 PM
730 sac2midi Bug New Normal sac2midi 3D waveforms not implemented Rick DeWitt 08/26/2015 10:40 PM
715 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Bug New Normal Can converter put in a default "unknown" value for <sensor> if not given one in stationXML Yazan Suleiman 07/20/2015 05:42 PM
930 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Bug New Normal '1969-11-19T14:23:00:00:00' is not a valid value for 'dateTime'.] Yazan Suleiman 12/19/2017 08:26 AM
1025 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Bug New High Filename too long error when running on Centos 7.6 Yazan Suleiman 04/09/2019 10:28 AM
1015 Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) Bug New Normal rtrend variables have extra space at the end 01/03/2019 10:05 AM
383 JWEED Bug New Normal JWEED summary files no longer compatible with rdseed 11/08/2013 09:03 AM
1249 JEvalResp Bug New Normal evalresp and JEvalResp disagreement 04/01/2022 12:10 PM
1064 NRL Bug New Normal StationXML output: 2 <Comment> nodes to fill in 09/29/2020 11:40 AM
945 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Bug New High the description of the input units are not populated correctly if multiple channels have the same input units but different descriptions 02/27/2018 09:32 AM
1260 sac2midi Bug New Normal Not Fully Implemented 05/12/2022 06:55 AM
423 jAmaSeis Feature Feedback Normal Supporting additional devices? Tammy Bravo 02/04/2016 06:54 AM
541 PH5 Feature Resolved High Status update for PH5 Derick Hess 05/12/2015 07:33 AM
1311 jAmaSeis Feature Resolved Normal Add new SeismicStream device type settings Kevin Frechette 07/09/2024 05:25 AM
1031 Web Service Shell Feature Resolved Normal Environment variable exposing port or logging path Mick Van Fossen 09/04/2019 04:05 PM
813 Web Service Shell Feature Resolved Normal Add RabbitMQ logging option Mike Stults 06/07/2016 08:09 AM
1296 jAmaSeis Feature Resolved Normal Update copyright header for source code Tammy Bravo 07/15/2024 12:30 PM
593 PH5 Feature Resolved Normal PH5- features 05/12/2015 07:32 AM
826 FDSN StationXML-SEED Converter Feature Resolved Normal UTF-8 strings in station XML 06/08/2016 03:03 PM
799 ringserver Feature Resolved Normal Query latency 03/18/2016 08:17 AM
681 ewexport2ringserver Feature New Normal Evaluate changes from ISTI for Win32 support, potentially integrate Chad Trabant 04/15/2015 06:28 AM
692 ascii2mseed Feature New Normal Allow converter to determine the sample count automatically from the list Chad Trabant 05/10/2015 11:45 AM
618 orb2ringserver Feature New Normal Add option to ignore data from before a specific date Chad Trabant 10/24/2014 09:36 AM
220 NRL Feature New Normal Add Geotech sensors: GS-13BH, GS-21 and 20171 Mary Templeton 04/16/2013 08:25 AM
217 NRL Feature New Normal Add Geodevice EDAS-24GN datalogger Mary Templeton 04/16/2013 10:51 AM
215 NRL Feature New Normal Add OYO Geospace GS-11D geophone Mary Templeton 04/16/2013 10:54 AM
218 NRL Feature New Normal Add Geodevice sensors: BBVS-60, BBVS-120, FSS-3M and BBAS-2G Mary Templeton 04/16/2013 10:52 AM
974 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal add new configuration file type to assist in application initialization Mike Stults 06/01/2018 03:32 PM
863 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Add IP filtering parameter on a per endpoint basis Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:14 AM
738 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Need to be able to set the extension to Content-Disposition file names indepenent from format value Mike Stults 05/29/2018 09:55 AM
763 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Add new endpoint configuration option "addHeaders" to add arbitrary HTTP headers to responses Mike Stults 01/25/2016 02:31 PM
862 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Update to exception handling - replace selected hard exceptions with user and log messages. Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:15 AM
824 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Add new configuration parameter to designate which user parameter is for media control Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:17 AM
861 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal update dmc_logging reference and selected text on wssstatus Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:15 AM
859 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Change lack of proxyURL on ProxyResource capability to warning Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:15 AM
726 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Evaluate needs and work required for incorportating the Spring framework Mike Stults 05/25/2018 08:18 AM
875 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Relaxed-validation mode Mike Stults 11/20/2017 11:14 AM
921 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal add multi-part POST handling Mike Stults 11/22/2017 07:55 AM
764 Web Service Shell Feature New Normal Add new endpoint configuration option "formatDispositions" to control the Content-Disposition specific for each Mike Stults 01/22/2016 11:31 AM
(51-100/126) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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