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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1053 JPlotResp Bug New Normal JPlotResp has problems with empty end dates in StationXML Autumn Johnson 01/17/2020 01:14 PM
1052 JPlotResp Bug New Normal amplitude and phase do not match expected shape when plotting a FIR filter that produces a 4000 Hz sample rate Autumn Johnson 01/17/2020 01:10 PM
492 Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) Bug New Normal Bug of integration using Rectangular method Brian Savage 11/05/2015 01:21 PM
317 Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) Bug New Normal Uneven interpolation return bad results Brian Savage 08/03/2013 07:16 AM
704 ringserver Bug New Normal Correctly restart network listening threads when they die Chad Trabant 05/29/2015 08:05 AM
693 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal Notification of PH5 upload Derick Hess 05/12/2015 07:31 AM
636 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal Ph5 request data Derick Hess 05/12/2015 07:31 AM
563 PH5 Bug New Low PH5 - form style Derick Hess 08/14/2014 09:27 AM
561 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal PH5:Event ID Range Derick Hess 07/23/2014 11:25 AM
560 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal PH5 data delivery Derick Hess 07/23/2014 11:25 AM
552 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal PH5 experiment list Derick Hess 07/23/2014 11:13 AM
551 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal Ph5 request form problems Derick Hess 07/23/2014 11:24 AM
540 PH5 Bug Resolved Normal Email not working Derick Hess 06/30/2014 07:37 AM
264 EMERALD Bug Resolved Normal Minimum Trace Length problem John West 06/19/2013 11:48 AM
1315 jAmaSeis Bug Resolved Normal Fix macOS installer notarization issue Kevin Frechette 09/05/2024 04:07 AM
1314 jAmaSeis Bug Resolved Normal OutOfMemoryError with DMC Sources Kevin Frechette 09/05/2024 04:07 AM
1312 jAmaSeis Bug Resolved Normal SeedLink source issues Kevin Frechette 09/05/2024 04:06 AM
1310 jAmaSeis Bug Resolved Normal Local source edit allows updating the startup string but does not retest the sample rate Kevin Frechette 07/09/2024 04:43 AM
1024 RXTXcomm Bug New Normal java.lang.NullPointerException thrown while loading Kevin Frechette 03/11/2019 06:51 AM
1063 NRL Bug New Normal Make enddate param optional and no default Mick Van Fossen 09/28/2020 09:48 PM
1044 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal NPE at the wssstatus endpoint Mick Van Fossen 09/05/2019 02:15 PM
991 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal stall and apparent deadlock between write in stopProcess and writeNormal threads Mike Stults 07/09/2018 02:47 PM
990 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal service.cfg file parses incorrectly if a space occurs after a continuation backslash Mike Stults 08/20/2018 08:52 AM
967 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal probable duplicate error logging between CmdProcessor and and WSS framework ServiceShellException logging Mike Stults 05/25/2018 10:53 AM
961 Web Service Shell Bug New Normal When setting HTTP header "Content-Type" from a handler, the driving request fails with a Jersey exception. Mike Stults 04/02/2018 09:51 AM
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