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The single event location algorithm, iLoc accounts for correlated travel-time prediction errors due to unmodeled 3D velocity structure (Bondár and McLaughlin, 2009) and it is the expansion of the ISC location algorithm (Bondár and Storchak, 2011) with new added features, such as integrated RSTT (Myers et al., 2010, Begnaud et al., 2020, 2021) travel-time predictions, support for local velocity models, communication with the SeisComp and IDC NDC-in-a-Box database schemas, broadband body wave magnitude (mB) calculation, as well as support for the IMS1.0, and ISF file formats.

Platforms: unix, linux, Mac OS.

Iloc is also implemented as a plugin for SeisComp ( The SeisComp plugin and iLoc is now synchronized so that they share the iLoc auxiliary data directories.

Author: István Bondár, .

  • Homepage:
  • Category: Data Processing
  • Language: C / C++
  • Keywords:

    earthquake event location; RSTT 3D velocity model travel-time predictions; magnitude; SeisComp; iLoc

  • Citation:

    Bondár I,Storchak D, 2011: Improved location procedures at the International Seismological Centre, Geophys. J. Int. 186, 1220-1244.
    Bondár, I. and K. McLaughlin, 2009: Seismic location bias and uncertainty in the presence of correlated and non-Gaussian travel-time errors, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 99, 172-193.
    Myers SC, Begnaud ML, Ballard S, Pasyanos ME, Phillips WS, Ramirez AL, Antolik MS, Hutcheson KD, Dwyer JJ, Rowe CA, Wagner GS, 2010: A crust and upper-mantle model of Eurasia and North Africa for Pn travel-time calculation, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 100, 640–656.
    Begnaud, M.l., S.C. Myers, B. Young, J.R. Hipp, D. Dodge, W.S. Phillips, 2020, Updates to the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model: 1. Tomography, Pure Appl. Geophys.,
    Begnaud, M.l., D.N. Anderson, S.C. Myers, B. Young, J.R. Hipp, W.S. Phillips, 2021, Updates to the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model: 2. Path-dependent travel-time uncertainty, Pure Appl. Geophys., 178, 313-339,

    Bondár, I., T. Godoladze, E. Cowgill, G. Yetirmishli, S.C. Myers, I. Gunia, A. Buzaladze, B. Czecze, T. Onur, R. Gök, A. Chiang, Relocation of the Seismicity of the Caucasus Region, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 114, 873-881,, 2023.
    Bondár I., T. Šindelářová, D. Ghica, U. Mitterbauer, A. Liashchuk, J. Baše, J. Chum, C. Czanik, C. Ionescu, C. Neagoe, M. Pásztor, A. Le Pichon, Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network: Contribution to Infrasound Monitoring, Geophys. J. Int., 230, 565-579,, 2022.
    Bondár, I. P. Mónus, Cs. Czanik, M. Kiszely, Z. Gráczer, Z. Wéber, and the AlpArrayWorking Group, 2018: Relocation of Seismicity in the Pannonian Basin Using a Global 3D Velocity Model, Seism. Res. Let., 89, 2284-2293, doi:10.1785/0220180143.