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Celso Reyes, 11/14/2012 11:26 AM

1 1 Celso Reyes
h1. irisFetch.m
2 1 Celso Reyes
3 1 Celso Reyes
h2. Getting Started
4 1 Celso Reyes
5 2 Celso Reyes
# *Download "irisFetch.m":* 
6 2 Celso Reyes
   _right-click the link & save the irisFetch.m file somewhere that MATLAB can find it_
7 2 Celso Reyes
# *Download latest IRIS-WS.jar* from this page: "Iris Library downloads":
8 2 Celso Reyes
  _grab the version that says "Matlab Users, choose this"_ 
9 2 Celso Reyes
# *Add the IRIS-WS.jar to MATLAB*, by using MATLAB's @javaclasspath@ function
10 1 Celso Reyes
11 1 Celso Reyes
h3. Examples
12 1 Celso Reyes
13 4 Celso Reyes
[[Traces example]]
14 4 Celso Reyes
[[Stations example]]
15 4 Celso Reyes
[[Events example]]
16 4 Celso Reyes
17 4 Celso Reyes
Additional examples can be found at
18 1 Celso Reyes
19 3 Celso Reyes
Examples of using irisFetch was included in a web-seminar (webinar) from November 8, 2012.  This webinar starts with general information about web services (1:00), then discusses retrieving event and trace data via the browser (~8:45), command-line interfaces (~24:50), and MATLAB (~38:45).
20 3 Celso Reyes
21 3 Celso Reyes
Webinar page, including sample .m script:
22 3 Celso Reyes
Direct link to webinar video:
23 3 Celso Reyes
24 1 Celso Reyes
h2. Getting Help
25 1 Celso Reyes
26 1 Celso Reyes
Detailed documentation is available for each routine.  In MATLAB, use "help XXXX" like so:
27 1 Celso Reyes
* For general help, type : 
28 1 Celso Reyes
  @help irisFetch@
29 1 Celso Reyes
* Specific help is also available, e.g. 
30 1 Celso Reyes
  @help irisFetch.Traces@ 
31 1 Celso Reyes
  @help irisFetch.Events@
32 1 Celso Reyes
33 1 Celso Reyes
* To find out what additional functions (methods) are available, type:
34 1 Celso Reyes