Wiki » History » Version 4
Version 3 (Rob Newman, 10/23/2014 02:02 PM) → Version 4/8 (Nick Falco, 10/02/2018 04:17 PM)
h1. Overview Wiki
The DMC has three FDSNWS compatible h2. Current service interfaces
h3. Kef web service end points for accessing
* base url:
* 4 supported methods
** about
** version
** application
** query
h4. about
returns basic information about the repository web service in plain text.
h4. version
returns the version number of PH5 data at the DMC. Additionally PASSCAL maintains web service build.
h4. application
returns a web form hosted on IRIS DMC hardware for accessing PH5 datasets WADL in SEG-Y xml format. Below are links to the web services, source code
h4. query
* main application and will return various PH5 Web Service documentation, public PH5 API documentation, data in plain text kef format.
* 2 required parameters(exp_id and PH5 Web Form. The PH5 APIs are maintained jointly by PASSCAL and kef_type) as well as 2 additional parameters used in certain cases.
* examples below:
This will return all the IRIS DMC. The PH5 Web Services utilize basic information about the PH5 APIs experiment 07-012
This will return the metadata for data extraction. all events in kef format for experiment 07-012
h2. PH5 Wiki
* PH5 API Wiki: This requires an additional parameter(array) to indicate what array number you would like. This request will return all the station metadata for a given array
h2. PH5 Web Services
This will return the response table metadata in kef format for experiment 07-012
PH5 Web services are used
This will return all metadata in the receiver table in kef format for timeseries and experiment 07-012
This will return all metadata extraction in miniSEED and SAC format. the index table in kef format for experiment 07-012
This requires an additional parameter(das) to indicate what das you would like. This will return all metadata about a given das in kef format for experiment 07-012
This will return all metadata in the time table in kef format for experiment 07-012
will return the entire master.ph5 file in ph5 format for experiment 07-012
h3. Primary Web Service Interfaces Metadata web service
* PH5 Dataselect: base url is:
* 4 supported methods
** about
** version
** application
** query
h4. about
returns basic information about the web service in plain text.
h4. version
returns the version number of the web service build.
h4. application
returns a WADL in xml format.
h4. query
* main application and will return various PH5 Station: data in either JSON or xml (station xml coming soon)
* PH5 Event: 3 required parameters(exp_id , format, type)
* examples below:
h3. PH5 Web Form
This will return metadata data about the basic experiment information in JSON format for 07-012. Changing format to XML will return the metadata in a basic xml format.
PH5 Web Form is used
This will return metadata for timeseries data extraction all events in SEG-Y and SAC JSON format for 07-012. Changing format to XML will return the metadata in a basic xml format.
* Experiment List:
This will return metadata for all DAS in JSON format for 07-012. Changing format to XML will return the metadata in a basic xml format.
This will return metadata for all arrays in JSON format for 07-012. Changing format to XML will return the metadata in a basic xml format.
The DMC has three FDSNWS compatible h2. Current service interfaces
h3. Kef web service end points for accessing
* base url:
* 4 supported methods
** about
** version
** application
** query
h4. about
returns basic information about the repository web service in plain text.
h4. version
returns the version number of PH5 data at the DMC. Additionally PASSCAL maintains web service build.
h4. application
returns a web form hosted on IRIS DMC hardware for accessing PH5 datasets WADL in SEG-Y xml format. Below are links to the web services, source code
h4. query
* main application and will return various PH5 Web Service documentation, public PH5 API documentation, data in plain text kef format.
* 2 required parameters(exp_id and PH5 Web Form. The PH5 APIs are maintained jointly by PASSCAL and kef_type) as well as 2 additional parameters used in certain cases.
* examples below:
This will return all the IRIS DMC. The PH5 Web Services utilize basic information about the PH5 APIs experiment 07-012
This will return the metadata for data extraction. all events in kef format for experiment 07-012
h2. PH5 Wiki
* PH5 API Wiki: This requires an additional parameter(array) to indicate what array number you would like. This request will return all the station metadata for a given array
h2. PH5 Web Services
This will return the response table metadata in kef format for experiment 07-012
PH5 Web services are used
This will return all metadata in the receiver table in kef format for timeseries and experiment 07-012
This will return all metadata extraction in miniSEED and SAC format. the index table in kef format for experiment 07-012
This requires an additional parameter(das) to indicate what das you would like. This will return all metadata about a given das in kef format for experiment 07-012
This will return all metadata in the time table in kef format for experiment 07-012
will return the entire master.ph5 file in ph5 format for experiment 07-012
h3. Primary Web Service Interfaces Metadata web service
* PH5 Dataselect: base url is:
* 4 supported methods
** about
** version
** application
** query
h4. about
returns basic information about the web service in plain text.
h4. version
returns the version number of the web service build.
h4. application
returns a WADL in xml format.
h4. query
* main application and will return various PH5 Station: data in either JSON or xml (station xml coming soon)
* PH5 Event: 3 required parameters(exp_id , format, type)
* examples below:
h3. PH5 Web Form
This will return metadata data about the basic experiment information in JSON format for 07-012. Changing format to XML will return the metadata in a basic xml format.
PH5 Web Form is used
This will return metadata for timeseries data extraction all events in SEG-Y and SAC JSON format for 07-012. Changing format to XML will return the metadata in a basic xml format.
* Experiment List:
This will return metadata for all DAS in JSON format for 07-012. Changing format to XML will return the metadata in a basic xml format.
This will return metadata for all arrays in JSON format for 07-012. Changing format to XML will return the metadata in a basic xml format.