Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) is a general purpose waveform analysis and processing application.
Originally developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, SAC is now maintained by the IRIS community and distributed from the IRIS DMC.
To request SAC visit: http://ds.iris.edu/ds/nodes/dmc/forms/sac/
For online documentation visit: http://ds.iris.edu/files/sac-manual/
For tutorials visit: http://ds.iris.edu/files/sac-manual/manual/tutorial.html
To subscribe to the mailing lists, please consult the following pages:
sac-help: a community driven list for asking questions and reporting issues. An archive of questions and answers are maintained here, all searchable through Google.
sac-dev: a mailing list geared more toward the developer and technical support community for SAC.
Goldstein, P., A. Snoke, (2005), “SAC Availability for the IRIS Community”, Incorporated Institutions for Seismology Data Management Center Electronic Newsletter.
Goldstein, P., D. Dodge, M. Firpo, Lee Minner (2003) “SAC2000: Signal processing and analysis tools for seismologists and engineers, Invited contribution to “The IASPEI International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology”, Edited by WHK Lee, H. Kanamori, P.C. Jennings, and C. Kisslinger, Academic Press, London.
- Homepage: http://ds.iris.edu/ds/nodes/dmc/software/downloads/sac/
- Category: Data Processing
- Language: C / C++
- Keywords:
SAC analysis processing
Manager: Arthur Snoke, Brian Savage, Chad Trabant, Robert Casey