Supported Platforms: Solaris, Linux (32 bit), Linux (64/32 bit), Mac OS x (PPC, and i686, <= 10.6) and Windows under Cygwin
BUG FIX: shell syntax error
BUG FIX: sgftops Long horizontal line removed
BUG FIX: interpolate determines a new dt if 'npts' is defined
BUG FIX: readsac.m close files after reading to avoid matlab errors
BUG FIX: removed sac_code.c to avoid unwanted side effects
BUG FIX: Hypo and Alpha Pick File format writing fixed (tests added)
BUG FIX: wsac0 will not write files with npts <=0
BUG FIX: getkhv character header fields are properly truncated
BUG FIX: evalresp now interprets milliseconds properly
BUG FIX: Unlimited number of plabel are now possible
BUG FIX: Added simple test for run ... endrun
BUG FIX: CSS read/write fixes, Different byte orders and binary formats are used correctly CSS Format is now followed
BUG FIX: Merge should now identify what it is doing and not doing
BUG FIX: apk (Auto-picker) should now work properly
BUG FIX: Bilinear Transform changed to use double precision Results for all filters will have slight numerical differences - bandpass, bandrej, highpass, lowpass
BUG FIX: Traveltime in SSS Fixed for big or little byte order Times set relative to origin time IASP91 and AK135 now available New Options: depth-km, depth-m, verbose Interpolation now done in degrees Event depth assumed to be in km Help file updated
BUG FIX: Transfer messages removed
BUG FIX: CSS values calib and calper set to IDC defaults, not 1.0
BUG FIX: FAP transfers outside defined range will complain
BUG FIX: Memory is now properly released for data sections of sac files.
BUG Fix: Cross correlation normalized call fixed, error in parameters
BUG Fix: Read Header no longer fails if number of points fewer than 6.
BUG Fix: Created compiling errors in four subroutines so would compile in Apple's Clang (using OS10.6)
BUG FIX: READALPHA is deprecated. Should use READTABLE.
ENHANCEMENT: sac_script manual page added
ENHANCEMENT: aux/seismogram updated Removed F arrival and updated Updated origin time to conform to P arrival time
ENHANCEMENT: New Command: SAVEIMG (Alias: SAVE) - Save plot files in a variety of formats - Format dependent on file extension (.ps .pdf .png .xpm .sgf)
ENHANCEMENT: New output plot formats: - PDF: builtin Portable Document Format - PS: builtin Postscript - PNG: with libpng library if available - XPM: with libXpm library if available
ENHANCEMENT: Plotting window resizes properly
ENHANCEMENT: SAC_WRITE_BYTE_ORDER Environment variable Determines the byte order of the files to be written Defaults to the current machine byte order Values: BIG ENDIAN: big, solaris, powerpc, ppc LITTLE ENDIAN: little, x86, intel
ENHANCEMENT: Documentation Updates
ENHANCEMENT: Creation of a PDF Manual
ENTICEMENT: During interpolate total time now does not change
ENHANCEMENT: Newlines are now defined as \n, \r, or \r\n
ENHANCEMENT: Tab now completes on SAC commands
ENHANCEMENT: Tab will append a '/' or a directory or a ' ' for a file
ENHANCEMENT: RPC/XDR is a compile time option, it is mostly "unused"
ENHANCEMENT: Annotated Polezero files are now read properly
ENHANCEMENT: Added quiet/verbose options for rtrend
ENHANCEMENT: multiplied linewidth by 2.5 command PRINT (src/gam/xprint.c)
ENHANCEMENT: Message subsystem to Control Added, libsacio updated New Message control functions: (Fortran compatible) - sac_warning_stdout() - sac_warning_stderr() - sac_warning_off(), - sac_error_stdout() - sac_error_stderr() - sac_error_off() - sac_output_stdout() - sac_output_stderr() - sac_output_off()