The Waveform Suite¶
2013 Waveform Suite Update news
The waveform suite is designed to allow easy data retrieval from a variety of sources and to make basic waveform research quick and easy. It is a toolset that allows the creation of more sophisticated programs without having to be concerned with all details.
Waveforms are the workhorse of the waveform suite. They contain information about the station, the data, the units, historical information, and any number of user-defined fields. Waveform takes care of the record keeping associated with the manipulation of its data.
Datasource objects are the gateway between objects (such as waveform) and their databases or stored files.
Scnlobjects label the "where" associated with data and provide querying functions based on this.
Data Retrieval¶
... from the IRIS-DMC
... from SAC files
... from a Winston wave server
... from SEISAN files
... from an Antelope database
... from MATLAB save files
... from elsewhere